Retired Association for the Uniformed Service


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Statement of Purpose

This is a declaration of the fundamental purposes for which Retired Association of the Uniformed Services, Inc. (“RAUS”) was formed, updated to reflect the technological and societal changes since formation of the association, and a statement of the goals RAUS continues to pursue:

  • To offer memberships in the association to active duty and retired members of the United States uniformed services, and to maintain and expand the membership roll of the association with an emphasis on securing long-term members.

  • To uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States, to support the national defense, and to foster esprit de corps among the membership.

  • To promote mutual understanding through the exchange of opinions and experiences regarding matters of common interest to active duty and retired members of the uniformed services.

  • To promote the personal security and welfare of both active duty and retired members of the uniformed services by making available to them, by virtue of their RAUS membership and often at discounted prices not available to the general public, various services, benefits and products, including but not limited to computer purchases, identity security, internet services, travel services, discount pharmaceuticals, and health, life and casualty insurance plans.

  • To provide RAUS members access to information sources and programs concerning health care, education and financial matters relevant to the lives of active duty and retired members of the uniformed services and their families.

  • To provide first class service to members of RAUS.

  • To enhance RAUS’s ability to accomplish the foregoing purposes and to grow and strengthen RAUS’s membership roll, by establishing and maintaining a site on the World Wide Web, where members and prospective members can secure information concerning the benefits and opportunities available through RAUS membership, and where members may join the association and pay their dues.

  • To promote communication with and among the membership of RAUS by continuing the publication and distribution, by mail and e-mail, of a trademarked newsletter called the “Retired Times,” which has been published since 1970.


Copyright (c) 1997-2021 Retired Association for the Uniformed Services, Inc.
Revised: June 03, 2015